Type I Diabetic? Are You at Risk for Epilepsy?

link between type 2 diabetes and epilepsy


Could Type I Diabetes put you at risk of developing epilepsy? This was the question that was put forth by a group of researchers at China Medical University.

The research study examined the relationship between Type I Diabetes and epilepsy in approximately 2500 patients in Taiwan. Their data was published in Diabetologia and show for the first time a potential link between Type I Diabetes and Epilepsy.

The Type I diabetic patients were compared with non-Type I diabetes patients.

“Those with Type I Diabetes had approximately 3 times (2.84) the increased risk of developing epilepsy.”

The authors suggest that the fluctuations in sugar levels could have an impact on the nervous system resulting in epilepsy. Further research is required to confirm this theory.

For now, it appears that there’s more to Type I Diabetes than meets our eye…

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