Sign Your Name to Lower the Cost of Insulin

Both Brigid D. and her child are diabetic. She confessed on the American Diabetes Association (ADA) web forum that at times, she has to starve herself to reduce her insulin needs to ensure that she has enough insulin for her child.

Such is the state of being diabetic in America. The disease is reaching epic proportions, but the cost of insulin continues to soar, raising fears about the overall health of diabetics who struggle financially. It’s shameful,  as access to insulin, for millions is literally a matter of life and death.

Between 2002 and 2013 the cost of insulin tripled. It is a particularly challenging situation for those not covered by insurance.  But what makes the spiking price of insulin especially disturbing is the fact that the cost of insulin in Europe is about a sixth of what it costs here. How is it possible that Americans are paying six times more of their hard earned dollars on insulin than they do elsewhere in the world?

As a consequence of the soaring costs more and more doctors are reporting that patients are complaining that they can’t afford their insulin, exposing themselves to serious health problems.

Well, the American Diabetes Association has had enough! They are demanding all entities in the insulin supply chain – that includes manufacturers, wholesalers, insurers, and pharmacies come clean about insulin pricing. The ADA cannot accept that the status quo that denies affordable access to insulin to people who can’t afford it. So, the ADA is demanding that Congress commence with hearings aimed at understanding why prices continue to skyrocket.



Many Americans are fed up. Take Michael K. for example. “This past year,” he said, “I was paying more than $700 per month for my Humalog. This ‘cost of staying alive’ represents 59% of my monthly mortgage payment and 143% of my monthly insurance premium. I know that pharmaceutical companies spend large sums of money on research and development for new and existing drugs. Why does a drug that has been in the market for such a long time, continue to sell at an extremely high cost?

So the ADA is pressing the government to implement policies that will reduce skyrocketing costs and keep a steady supply of insulin within reach of all people who need it.

That’s why the ADA wants you to sign their petition demanding a more responsible insulin legislation.  Sign the petition now!

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