Are You Ready for a Cruciferous Vegetable that Will Ease Your Diabetes Symptoms

Three cheers for turnip greens! It’s time celebrate their healing potential. Turnip greens are high in nutrients and low in calories and like kale and broccoli,  are part of the cruciferous vegetable family. Although both the turnip root and leaf are both edible, it is the green leaves that are listed among the top foods with respect to Aggregate Nutrient Density Index. Along with a few other cruciferous vegetable, turnip greens earned the highest possible ranking of 1,000 points.

Nutritional content

Now get this: one 55 gram cup of uncooked turnip greens contains just 18 calories, less than 4 grams of carbohydrates and just .45 grams of sugar. They are also rich in calcium, magnesium and are a gold mine of vitamin C, A, and K.

Possible health benefits

The high levels of nutrients associated with turnip green translate into health benefits and disease prevention.  The dietary nitrates associated with turnip greens protect again cardiovascular disease and hypertension. The high vitamin A  and C content ensures healthy skin and hair.  Even better, vitamin K  helps to maximize your body’s iron absorption, helping to protect you against anemia.

Now if you’re a diabetic, turnip greens are a super-food you can’t afford to say no to. They are loaded with fiber, providing 5 grams per cup. Studies have confirmed the vegetable importance noting how type 1 diabetics whose diets are high in fiber have lower blood glucose levels, and that people with the type 2 version of the disease experience improved blood sugar, lipids, and insulin levels as a consequence of consuming the vegetable.

Turnip greens contain an antioxidant known as an alpha-lipoic acid that can lower glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidative stress health changes in patients suffering from diabetes.

And here’s an added kicker: studies on alpha-lipoic acid have also shown to ease peripheral neuropathy associated with diabetes,  protecting brain tissue, and providing relief for people with dementia and others who have suffered a stroke.

So if you’re looking to improve your diet and slow down the advance of your blood sugar disease, give turnip greens a try.

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