Omega 3s & Diabetes – 6 Mouth-Watering Recipes You Won’t Stop Making

Type 1 Diabetes can be a challenge to manage, be it your diet and lifestyle. One lifestyle change you can make is to incorporate foods rich in omega-3s into your diet several times a week. Omega 3 fatty acids are backed up by a mountain of research as we learn just how impactful they can be in supporting a healthy heart, a healthy brain, and a healthy body.

Heart Support

heart diabetes

Diabetes is a top risk factor for cardiovascular disease that has many doctors concerned for their patients. This is because the volatile blood glucose levels can damage the inner workings of blood vessels throughout the body, putting extra strain on the already overworked heart.

Omega 3 fatty acids help support blood vessel and heart health, working to combat the detrimental effects of diabetes on the cardiovascular system.

Brain Support


Memory loss and poor brain functioning can be significantly affected by diabetes. In recent years, dementia has recently been named as the third type of diabetes. The very nature of diabetes damages blood vessels to the point that blood cannot flow properly throughout the brain, as it is needed.

Diabetes can also detrimentally affect the grey matter scattered throughout the brain—the material that is integral in working memory and brain functioning. Omega 3s have proven to support the brain in proper functioning and maintaining strong connections in a multitude of studies over the years. In fact, a recent research by the University of California (UCLA) found that the detrimental effects caused by a high-fructose diet on working memory and cognitive functioning were thwarted by the addition of omega-3 fatty acids to the diet.

Combat Inflammation

The metabolic system is intricately linked with the body’s autoimmune system, and it can cause a spike of inflammation throughout the body when not working properly. This excessive inflammation signals the body to suppress the anabolic system—the system responsible for producing insulin and regulating glucose—thus making the devastating effects of diabetes even worse.

In fact, inflammation is so detrimental to people with diabetes that researchers have recommended that, to prevent diabetes, people should first reduce inflammation. Omega 3 fatty acids have been touted as a sort of cure-all for diseases and illnesses linked to inflammation, including diabetes. Omega 3 fatty acids have a way of calming inflammation and supporting strong cells and brain matter, the two types of cells hit hardest by diabetes.

6 Delicious Recipes


Do yourself a favor and get some omega 3s into your diet. Many people opt for supplements, but my take on the fatty acid is a bit more hopeful: why waste these precious fats on a pill when you can eat like a king (or queen)?

   Roasted Squash With Mint And Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are nutritional powerhouses and are packed with plant-based omega 3 fatty acids. This delicious recipe is low glycemic, plant-based, and pretty simple to whip up.

   Slow-Roasted Salmon with Fennel, Citrus, and Chiles

Salmon is an obvious choice when trying to up your omega 3s in your diet, and this recipe makes it easy to crave. Fennel, citrus, and chilies provide a novel combination of flavors while the slow-roasted salmon feeds your body and soul.

   Oil-Poached Tuna Salad

This modern take on the tuna salad is packed with healthy fats, making it an excellent choice and especially enjoyable compared to the tuna salad  you likely grew up on.

  Coriander-&-Lemon-Crusted Salmon with Asparagus Salad & Poached Egg

Do yourself a favor and head over to EatingWell, and just look at the image. This recipe is dripping with flavor and is packed with heart-friendly fats along with heaps of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

   Tuna Avocado Egg Salad

My personal favorite on-the-go recipe is packed with healthy fats, abundance of flavor, and can be whipped up in about 10 minutes. It’s the best version of everything you’re looking for!

   The Best Chia Seed Pudding Recipe (+ 5 Delicious Variations)

This plant-based recipe can work as a breakfast or a dessert without breaking your GI limit. Chia seeds are packed with omega 3s and are so versatile that you can really make this recipe your own (as you can see with the 5 variations that are readily available!).

[expand title=”References“]
American Diabetes Association. URL Link. Accessed January 19, 2017.
Diabetes. URL Link. Accessed January 19, 2017.
Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. URL Link. Accessed January 19, 2017.
Journal of Diabetes Investigation. URL Link. Accessed January 19, 2017.
Joslin Diabetes Center. URL Link. Accessed January 19, 2017.
Natural News. URL Link. Accessed January 19, 2017.
Science Daily. URL Link #1URL Link #2. Accessed January 19, 2017.
University of Maryland Medical Center. URL Link. Accessed January 19, 2017.

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