Must Know Earl Grey Tea Benefits for Diabetes

Green tea has always been touted as the tea that diabetics should drink. Although I personally love green tea, my favorite is Earl Grey. The benefits of Earl Grey Tea are stated below.

Here are some of the findings.

Although green tea has the best antioxidant properties, black tea lowers more blood sugar. It contains a polysaccharide that works like some of the drugs used for diabetes. Black tea goes through the most amount of processing and is fully fermented. It also has antiviral and anticancer properties.

If you are a frequent reader on DiabeticsWeekly, you may have read about how diabetics are prone to oral infections known as periodontitis. Black tea contains high levels of catechin that fights oral infections. It just so happens that Earl Grey also contains fluoride which helps to fight tooth decay.

Earl Grey also contains bergamot which has a calming effect. It is a great solution for those who suffer from depression, stress, and anxiety. By keeping your stress levels low, you also have better control of your blood glucose.

Another popular benefit of Earl Grey tea is weight loss. This is much needed in diabetics as most tend to be overweight. Instead of adding cream or sugar, why not opt for a slice of lemon if you want a change of flavor?

It has been proven that 3 cups of Earl Grey tea a day may lower the risk of cardiovascular issues. In 2012, a study published in Preventive Medicine showed a decreased levels of bad cholesterol levels and a rise of good cholesterol levels. A team of research at the University of Cantanzaro in Italy also found blood sugar level is lessened by 22%.

All in all, it seems like the perfect tea for diabetics out there! 😉

[expand title=”References“]

Jones T. 10 surprising benefits of earl grey tea you never knew. LifeHack. Accessed 6/13/2017.

Black tea inhibits disease. Baseline of Health Foundation. Accessed 6/13/2017.

Marsh B. A cup of earl grey to keep the doctor away: fruit extract can help you lose weight, lower cholesterol and prevent diabetes. DailyMail. Accessed 6/13/2017.

The 11 Amazing Benefits of Earl Grey Tea. Joy by Nature. Accessed 6/13/2017.


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