How 1 Ingredient Can Beat 6 Diabetes-Related Symptoms

Diabetes is a glucose thing, sure, but its effects seem to spread across every aspect of your life. Dry skin, poor circulation, slow-to-warm-up sexual response, inflamed insides, and constipation are among the most common symptoms of diabetes.

What if I told you that one natural ingredient could help you deal with all of this with a bit more ease?

It’s true. Coconut oil is used by people all around the world for a wide variety of purposes. Given the numerous complaints among diabetics, I thought I’d share my favorite natural product of all time as a source of relief for these common diabetes symptoms.

1- Natural Lubricant

coconut oil and diabetes

Sometimes, things in the bedroom can take awhile to warm up. Fluctuating glucose levels can make your body do weird things. Poor circulation can mean that there are quite a few long, agonizing minutes in between your brain’s desire and your body’s readiness. No worries, though! Just put about a tablespoon of coconut oil on your sexy parts for a safe, natural lubricant.

The best part? Coconut oil is a natural anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory agent, so it can actually help the vagina achieve a healthy, clean balance. (That does not mean that it can prevent STIs or pregnancy, though!)

2- Prevent Cognitive Decline

coconut oil and diabetes

One very frustrating symptom of diabetes is the inevitable cognitive decline. The glucose instability causes long-term inflammation of blood vessels which leads them to eventually erode and die off. This process also affects the brain, resulting in cognitive decline.

The structure of coconut oil, though, can help fuel the brain with an alternative source of energy (instead of glucose) so that the cognitive decline is slowed and even prevented.

3- Smooth Dry Skin

coconut oil and diabetes

Because of poor circulation diabetics can often have dry, itchy skin, coconut oil is a great natural remedy for this pesky problem. It adsorbs easily into the skin and lasts for a long time. Rubbing coconut oil on your skin just out of a shower is best because it helps trap the water on your skin so that it is eventually reabsorbed, thus making it less dry and itchy.

4- Anti-Inflammatory

coconut oil and diabetes

Coconut oil has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to the lauric acid. This is helpful for diabetics as the main problem that arises from the volatile glucose levels in inflammation throughout the body and blood vessels. By consuming a little bit of coconut oil daily, you can help the body fight inflammation more easily, reducing the secondary effects of diabetes (such as damaged blood vessels, poor circulation and cognitive decline).

5- Soothing Laxative

coconut oil and diabetes

The ever-changing glucose levels can leave you feeling stopped up more often than the average Joe. A tablespoon of coconut oil every morning and evening can help reduce constipation and keep things moving smoothly. The oil helps lubricate the intestines from the insides while the anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral components help soothe the intestines along the way.

6- Stabilize Blood Sugar

coconut oil and diabetes

The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil helps increase metabolic rate, which in turn helps boost the function of insulin in the body. The slow-digesting oil allows the body to take in glucose at more manageable levels while supporting the insulin process along the way.

Coconut oil doesn’t solve all the world’s problems, but it kind of seems that way, doesn’t it? Buy yourself a big jug of natural coconut oil and start incorporating it into your daily habits today!

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