Guess What Causes Autism in Children of Diabetic Mothers?

Among women with autistic children between the ages of 2 and 5, 23% of the mothers displayed antibodies to proteins in the fetal brain in their blood samples.

In the body’s immune system, antibodies attack any foreign agent. When antibodies attack the body’s own cells, they are referred to as autoantibodies.

According to a research analysis at the University of California, Davis, autoantibodies may largely be present in women who have other underlying health conditions, such as hypertension disorders, obesity before pregnancy, or diabetes.

The study looked at 277 women with autistic children in the age group of 2 to 5. Twenty-five percent of the women exhibited autoantibodies to the proteins of the fetal brain. This was observed 2 to 5 years following the pregnancy. A large section of this 25% group, were women who had metabolic conditions, such as diabetes or obesity.

Women with either type 2 or gestational diabetes and who had children with severe autism spectral disorder, were 2.7 times more likely to have autoantibodies to the proteins of the fetal brain.”

When women with gestational diabetes were examined, it was found that these women were 3.2 times more likely to have autoantibodies to the proteins in the fetal brain.

The analysis shows that women with metabolic conditions that occur during their pregnancy, may be at a higher risk of having children with autism spectrum disorders

In the United States 5% to 9% of women have gestational diabetes of whom the majority are in the childbearing age group.

Metabolic conditions have been shown to be linked to brain disorders, such as autism. How exactly it causes the problem is not clear. This study gives some insights into one o the possible mechanisms.

The take home message is that women who are planning a pregnancy should be aware of the risk factors to autism.

If obesity is an issue, it would help to choose an appropriate diet to reduce the high body mass index. Similarly, regular monitoring of the fetus is recommended in diabetic mothers.

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