Got Vaccinated? Regular Flu Shots may Keep Stroke at Bay

A large population study of type 2 diabetes patients, conducted over a period of 7 years, has shown benefits of regular influenza vaccinations. Type 2 diabetes is a condition that is associated with a high risk of developing conditions associated with influenza.

“The study noted that regular influenza vaccinations in type 2 diabetes patients may actually lower the risk of hospital admission for conditions like stroke and heart failure.”

For the analysis, 124, 503 type 2 diabetes patients were monitored between the years of 2003/2004 to 2009/2010.

The patients with type 2 diabetes who were regularly vaccinated showed a reduction in hospital admissions for conditions, such as heart failure, stroke, myocardial infarction, and pneumonia.

Vaccination also brought down the overall mortality rate in the type 2 diabetes group.

Vaccination strategies differ in each country. Though older adults are highly recommended to get vaccinated on a regular basis, in some countries, adults with chronic conditions and older adults fail to access this service.

The authors recommend regular vaccination as an important preventive strategy for type 2 diabetes patients who may be at risk of heart failure, stroke, or respiratory conditions. Older adults and those affected with chronic diseases will benefit with regular vaccinations.

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