Going Nuts for Nuts

Nuts such as almonds, macadamias, pistachios, walnuts, and cashews have properties that guard against type 2 diabetes while boosting levels of good cholesterol and reducing inflammation, experts have said.

Nuts, nuts, nuts. We’re going nuts for nuts. If you’re concerned about staying healthy, just a handful of nuts a day could reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by nearly 40 per cent, breakthrough research has revealed. Experts acknowledged that a 1oz portion is enough to undermine the risk of developing the potentially dangerous condition, which is linked to limb amputation, kidney failure, and blindness.

Nuts such as almonds, macadamias, pistachios, walnuts, and cashews have properties that guard against type 2 diabetes while boosting levels of good cholesterol and reducing inflammation, experts have said.

A study in the journal Diabetes Care revealed nuts positively affect both blood glucose control and blood lipids and may improve diabetes control without causing weight gain.

University of Toronto Department of Nutritional Sciences, Dr. David Jenkins said: “The study indicates that nuts can provide a specific food option for people with Type 2 diabetes wishing to reduce their carbohydrate intake.”

Imperial College London researchers analyzed 29 studies including more than 800,000 participants,  regarding the effects of a wide range of nuts. Their research concluded that consuming  20g of the high protein snack could cut the risk of heart disease by nearly 30 percent and the risk of cancer by 15 percent. And get this: not only is the chance of premature death was reduced by 22 percent, but the risk of diabetes was found to be lowered by a whopping 40 percent.

The reason why nuts are regarded as a super food is because they possess anti-inflammatory qualities as well as high levels of protein and fiber. Author and nutritionist, Juliette Bryant, insists: “Since prehistoric times nuts have been widely eaten as a storable source of essential fats and protein. In recent years some people have avoided these amazing foods due to the fear that their fat content will increase weight.” If eaten roasted and salted the delicate fats can actually be changed into something harmful, and lead to storage of fat in the body, she notes, but if eaten raw the body can easily process the essential fats that support overall health.

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