Gastric bypass surgery – The Unlikely Savior?


Gastric bypass surgery or bariatric surgery may actually kill 2 birds with one stone. Weight loss is assured but for type 2 diabetic patients, it may herald some good news.

“Gastric bypass surgery may actually reverse their diabetes.”

A research study at Nanjing University performed gastric bypass surgery on type 2 diabetes mice. Following the surgery, there was increased insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in the mice.

There was a change in the microbial content of the small intestine. This probably improved the insulin sensitivity of the mice. The accumulation of fat was also reduced in the fat tissue and the liver.

These results indicate that beneficial changes in the microbial content of the gut may be able to reverse the condition of diabetes. Further research is required on the effect of gut microbiota on diabetes.

For those fighting the double-edged sword of obesity and diabetes, this research finding certainly provides a ray of hope.

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