Double Your Bubble While Cutting Out the Sugar

Sugar! How much do we love it? Millions of Americans are addicted to the substance. We’re like crack addicts craving a fix, fueling our addiction with soft drinks and candies and all sorts of sweet and gooey desserts. Personally, my love of sugar began when I was a child. Sugar wasn’t a big fixture in our home, but once I stepped outside, I was always chomping on candy and gum. Juicy Fruit, Black Cat, and Bazooka Joe were some of my favorites. And they were all loaded with sugar that fueled my insatiable desire for the white powdery substance.

“We’re like crack addicts craving a fix, fueling our addiction with soft drinks and candies and all sorts of sweet and gooey desserts.”

Now that I have children of my own I am concerned that candy and gum are gateway sweets that contribute to a larger sugar addiction. Products that lead to soft-drink abuse and a never ending hunger for larger and larger fixes of sugar.

That’s why I only allow my children to consume sugar-free gum and sugar-free candies. I’m especially concerned about my children’s sugar consumption because there is a history of diabetes in my wife’s family. So I have convinced them that sugar-free is the way forward.

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