Diabetes & Diet – GM Salmon Is on the Market!

Salmon and other fatty fishes are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential polyunsaturated fat provide a long list of health benefices. Several studies have demonstrated their ability to reduce serum triglycerides, cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and inflammation. Because people with diabetes are at risk of developing heart disease or are already a victim of it, omega-3 fatty acids may offer cardioprotection.


In case you haven’t heard, GM (genetically modified)-salmon hit the U.S. market in 2015 after it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). “After an exhaustive and rigorous scientific review, FDA has arrived at the decision that AquAdvantage salmon is as safe to eat as any non-genetically engineered (GE) Atlantic salmon, and also as nutritious”, states the FDA. Created by AquaBounty Technologies, this is the first genetically modified food animal to be sold in American’s supermarkets.

“AquAdvantage salmon is as safe to eat as any non-genetically engineered (GE) Atlantic salmon, and also as nutritious.”


Currently, labeling GM salmon is at the discretion of the manufacturer. Why? According to the FDA, labeling salmon as a GM product is not required since “the data and information evaluated show that AquAdvantage Salmon is not materially different from other Atlantic salmon.”

Should you be afraid of GMOs?

Rest assured, it is unlikely that GM salmon poses a threat to our health—at least based on the current evidence. However, the same cannot be said for the environment and ecosystem, as anti-GMOs organizations will refute.

Are you pro-GMO salmon?

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Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). PEN. URL Link (Access with subscription). Updated May 20, 2016. Accessed August 31, 2016.

Guidance for Industry: Voluntary Labeling Indicating Whether Foods Have or Have Not Been Derived from Genetically Engineered Plants. FDA. URL Link. Updated July 7, 2016. Accessed August 31, 2016.

Questions and Answers on FDA’s Approval of AquAdvantage Salmon. FDA. URL Link. Updated December 21, 2016. Accessed August 31, 2016.


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