Consuming Just One Junk Food Meal Could Lead to Diabetes

We all know the dangers of consuming fast food, but recent research is urging consumers not to eat any at all.

A new study had concluded that just one junk food meal could result in diabetes and damage to the liver.

Yes, you heard that right. It only takes one trip to McDonald’s or one package of fried chicken to put your body at risk.

The Study

The study found that one single junk food meal could result in insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes.

Although a healthy person may be able to handle the single junk food meal, the researchers pointed out that those who frequently enjoyed junk food may not be so lucky.

In this particular study, fit men were chosen to drink one of two different drinks. The options were either a flavored beverage that contained palm oil (the same oil used in fast food such as French fries or hamburgers) or water.

Due to the fact that the palm oil in the beverage was similar to the fat used in two cheeseburgers, this caused insulin resistance in the men who drank this beverage.

Not only that, but the participants had noticeable liver damage as well characterized by an increased fat deposition after consumption of the beverage.

The Diabetes Link

As if the insulin resistance and liver impact wasn’t bad enough, these participants also had the same metabolic changes as seen in those with Type 2 diabetes as well as nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NFALD).

This is a massive finding and a shocking one. It just adds one more reason to the list of we should be paying more attention to the food we put into our bodies.

Staying away from fast foods and foods rich in damaged fats is an excellent way protect both your liver and blood sugar levels from the damaging effects these fats have on the body.

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Express. URL Link Accessed February 17, 2017

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