Is Type 2 Diabetes an Indicator of Cancer?

Imagine being hit with a double whammy. Well, in this case, I am talking about a double whammy of diseases! Dr. Iliana C. Lega and her team at the University of Toronto have discovered a unique trend in the relationship between diabetes and cancer.

It is known that diabetes is associated with an elevated risk of cancer. What Dr. Lega and her team set out to find out was the frequency of cancer detection in association with a diabetes diagnosis.

A large population group of more than 1 million people was analyzed in Ontario.

In the 3 months following a diabetes diagnosis, the risk of cancer detection was the highest.”

The increased efficiency in detecting cancer was because people went for more frequent checkups and screening exams soon after a diabetes diagnosis. This helped in detecting any evidence of cancer during that period.

Similarly, 10 years prior to a diabetes diagnosis, there was a 1.23 times higher risk of detecting cancer.

All this goes to show that the preventive strategies employed to prevent diabetes may prove useful in keeping cancer at bay.

It is probably time to reassess your lifestyle and make a choice to remain healthy or to succumb to the ills of lifestyle.

Butt Out or Pay the Consequences

treat type 2 diabetes

This is what happens when diabetes develops early in life