Throw Those Needles Away….. Pop a Pill!

Think diabetes and you think of those dreaded insulin injections. Well, that may soon be a thing of the past.

“Scientists at Niagara University have devised a novel way to coat the insulin molecule so it can be delivered to the bloodstream.”

The findings were presented at the National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS) on August 24, 2016. The researchers, Dr. Mary McCourt, Dr. Lawrence Mielnicki, and Jamie Catalano, have used their patent technology, Cholestosomes™ to coat and encapsulate the insulin molecule. By doing this, the insulin molecule is not destroyed by the harsh stomach acids. The encapsulated insulin can be absorbed into the blood stream.

This technology will actually make it easy for diabetic patients to get their required shot of insulin. For now, this technology is still in its preliminary stages and has to go through human clinical trials before pharmaceutical companies can market the insulin pill.

So, keep an eye for the next post on our website when we will update you on the progress of the insulin pill.

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