5 Diabetic Tips for Making March Your Healthiest Month Yet

Can you believe that March is just around the corner? You may be inspired to get outside, make some lighter and healthier food options, or evaluate how you have been doing with your New Year resolutions.

A new month means a fresh start. So, if February wasn’t the best month for your health goals, put that behind you and focus on tackling these goals head on in March.

Here are five tips to making this coming month the best one yet!

#1 Set Goals

Setting goals is the first step to success. It can be as little as one goal per month (that would be at least 12 by the end of the year. That’s a ton of goals!).

#2 Enjoy a Daily Green Smoothie

I have your first goal for you…. let’s all consume a green smoothie every day in March. Not only will you celebrate St. Patty’s day every day of the month, but you’ll boost your health at the same time.

Looking to get into the St. Patty’s day spirit even more?

Make a healthy Shamrock shake with avocado, fresh mint leaves, and spinach blended with some non-dairy milk.

#3 Get Outside

For most of us, March is the start of the Spring season. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel that we have just about made it through the winter months.

This is the perfect time to get outside and get some activity in.

Maybe you want to plant some early spring flowers? (This counts as exercise so long as you are actively moving.)

If gardening isn’t your thing, just get out there and walk!

#4 Sleep Better

Get to bed earlier this month. Part of managing your diabetes means sleeping better and reducing stress.

When you are well rested, your body performs better at balancing blood sugar levels as well as hormonal function.

Get to bed by 10 PM each night and a solid eight hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.

#5 Reduce Stress

Manage your stress levels by exercising, doing some yoga, meditation, or speaking with someone about your problems.

Also, don’t underestimate the power of a healthy diet. Healthy eating is a part of managing your stress levels as the better nourished your body is, the better you will be able to physically handle stress.

Here’s to a healthy and happy early Spring!

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